Our mission

In our adventures over the years, we found hotels costly, campervans ungainly and just like their caravan counterparts- all limited to campsites. Given the alternative of awkardly pushing flimsy rods through tent canvases in the rain- we set out instead to create the ultimate solution

Something wonky this way comes…

The early Wonky Truck kits were exciting. While the earlier kits were a little rudimentary, their simple utility inspired us to develop new iterations. After some extensive R&D (and a few late nights), things started to take shape. With a little extra fine-tuning and consideration, we’re proud to share what we’ve created.

We use our conversions every day. We push them and test them to determine what works, and what doesn’t.

Let us know

We’re excited to hear any feedback you have and any stories you might share with us from your Wonky adventures.

So please feel free to message, post, tag and email us (now also accepting courier pigeon)!

We challenge you to find anything else like it.